Extraordinary Elephants (Year 2)

Welcome to Extraordinary Elephants!

Who’s Who?

Class teacher: Mrs Harley

Teaching Assistant: Miss Bi (AM); Mrs Bibi (PM) 

The Cornerstones Curriculum
We plan our curriculum based around the Cornerstones Curriculum, a nationally recognised programme. The Cornerstones Curriculum is a creative and thematic approach to learning that is mapped to the Primary National Curriculum.
Further information about the Primary National Curriculum can be found here.
An overview map of the Year 2 National Curriculum can be found below.
This academic year, our key themes are:
 Autumn 1  Moon Zoom!
 Autumn 2  Towers, Tunnels and Turrets
 Spring 1  Wriggle and Crawl
 Spring 2  Scented Garden
 Summer 1 /2  Rio de Vida!
Each theme has a “big question” at the heart of its learning and is linked to a quality text. Themes start with an engaging opener, the “big start”, and conclude with a “big finish”. By the end of each theme the children will have achieved an outcome from their learning, which they showcase to their class, key stage, whole school or parents.
Our five 'big questions' are:
 Moon Zoom  How can we get to space?
 Towers, Tunnels and Turrets  Who lives in a castle?
 Wriggle and Crawl  What is a minibeast?
 Scented Garden  What can I grow in my garden?
 Rio de Vida!  Would you like to come to my carnival?
In each theme, children progress through four stages of learning (the four cornerstones):
  • engage
  • develop
  • innovate
  • express

We will enhance and enrich each theme through visitors, trips, open events and home learning projects.

Towards the end of the summer term, children will take part in whole school Health and Fitness Fortnight, including our annual Sports Day. Children will also prepare for their new school adventure during whole school transition week. Children will take part in our end of Year 2 celebrations, including a special trip to Cleethorpes and their 'farewell' Leavers Concert.

A  more detailed overview of our long-term planning for this academic year can be viewed below.

Home Reading

All children must have a St Chad’s Book Bag in school every day. Book bags can be purchased form the school office for £3.50. We expect children to read at least three times a week at home alongside an adult. Please ensure that your child’s Reading Records is signed at least three times a week. Reading Records are monitored daily. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Further information on Home Reading can be found within the Home Reading section on this website (parents/carers tab).


Our PE lessons are on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school every day. All items must be labelled with your child’s name and stored in a suitable drawstring bag. St Chad’s PE bags can be purchased from the school office for £3.50. We do not have storage facilities for rucksacks. During the colder months, we advise that your child has a pair of black jogging bottoms or leggings. Staff members are not allowed to remover earrings. We therefore advise that your child does not wear any earrings on PE days. If wish for your child to wear jewellery, they must be able to remove their own earrings. We cannot be acceptable for the loss of any jewellery items on PE days.

During the week, all children take part in a Daily Mile and ‘Go Noodle’. We are committed to ensuring that our children are active, fit and healthy. ‘Go Noodle’ videos can be accessed here.

Home Learning

We value strong home-school partnerships and encourage all children to complete half-termly Home Learning tasks. These are set at the beginning of a new half-term and children can choose which order to complete. We encourage a ‘little and often’ approach so it is advisable that your chid completes one home learning task every week. We plan activities that cover all areas of the curriculum. Home Learning tasks place a strong emphasis on 'talk' and each week children are assigned a new word to 'use and practise' at home. By the end of the half-term, all home learning tasks should be completed. Home Learning books are monitored and marked weekly. Children are rewarded with Class Dojos. Home Learning books are checked every Wednesday. In addition to the Home Learning tasks, children should also be practising their weekly Maths KIRFs and Home Reading.