Breakfast Cereal

Young minds and bodies need solid nutrition to keep up with the day’s demands.  In the morning rush, breakfast is an important meal that is often missed. As a school, we are committed to ensuring that no child in our care is ever too hungry to learn. Therefore, with the support of a local sponsor, we are proud to offer a free breakfast cereal to every child as they arrive into school. 

Our delicious breakfast cereal is available each morning, and cereal dispenser and place in each classroom. Children are also developing their independence skills through getting a bowl and spoon, serving themselves cereal, and pouring the milk. The children then enjoy sitting together to eat their cereal, whist talking and socialising with one another. 

It is completely optional for your child to decide whether they would / would not like to eat the cereal offered. We advise that if your child does decide to eat cereal, where possible, it should be a supplement to, and not a replacement for, the breakfast that they have at home with you each morning.

Allergen information will be shared with parents/carers as part of our induction process. If you have any concerns about the ingredients of our breakfast cereals then please telephone the main school office on 01332 345997 or email 

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Mani Sohanpal at Pro-Stall who has kindly donated this funding to school for the current academic year.

"Superheroes don't wear capes. They are ordinary people doing extraordinary things."